Martin Bleiksloot: Long retired and still active within Mennens, for more than 60 years

Long retired and still active within Mennens - for more than 60 years

On September 17, 1962, Martin Bleiksloot started at Mennens as a rigger. Although he has been retired for several years, he still works two days a week in the warehouse and shipping department at Mennens in Rotterdam. He recounts.

"Three weeks into my retirement, I received a call from the former service manager asking me to stop by. I was asked whether I wanted to serve a number of customers two days a week. I was happy to do so.

I have had several roles over all the years, such as rigger, ship rigger and engineer/inspector. I still do various jobs, such as transportation. 

There have been many unique moments. But among others, starting up the first inspection customers (DAF Eindhoven and the Gasunie) is what I remember most. I travelled all around the country to inspect the lifting and hoisting equipment at all the Gasunie substations."